Furnace Frustrations

Well it finally happened to us. 8 years of being home owners and we finally had our first large repair. Though, at the time I also thought our roof needing to be re-shingled was pretty large, but a furnace/AC combo definitely hits the top of the list for many homeowners. I think it is because…

Zucchini Garden Salsa

Another great option for any zucchini you have that you just don’t know what to do with. Our house smelled so good when this was cooking that we had to keep one jar out of the canner so that we could immediately consume it. INGREDIENTS *Makes 8 pints 10 cups zucchini (grated or small chunks)…

Pretty Plants

Things on the gardening, landscaping and building front have slowed down as seems to be usual for August. The garden is rolling and full, and continuing to produce delicious vegetables that we have been enjoying in so many new recipes. It is currently still too hot to do any landscaping, but this week is finally…

Garden Chowder

So Zucchini is the theme of August, as I am sure it is for many gardeners. We are keeping up with the zucchini that our plant is producing, but have been diving into new recipes so that our freezer isn’t full of zucchini bread. We found an amazing winner, which we thought we should share….

Zucchini Relish

We are lucky, our Zucchini has conveniently gone through phases of not producing, which has let me catch up with processing them. These lovely vegetables are so easy to grow, and impossible to give-away because everyone grows them because they are so easy to grow. So here is an alterative to baking with it. Ingredients…

Wooden Knives

Making cutting boards has been a lot of fun, and I am continuing to explore ways that I can make new patterns. As I have been enjoying making them, an idea came that it would be fun to have some wooden charcuterie knives to go with some of them. I checked out Pinterest for ideas…

200 Ramblings

WOWZA! This is the 200th rambling post that I have written. I am so glad that so many of you continue to enjoy our fumbling and bumbling through landscaping our yard, and have now also been sucked into reading about our favourite garden recipes as well as some of the other hobbies and projects we…

Gourmet Beet Salad

We watch a lot of cooking shows and we recently watched a Masterchef episode where the contestants were cooking in one of the judges restaurants. They showed this delicious beet salad that I had to try to replicate. Granted, the replication is based on description and look only. It is pretty easy, and has a…

July Comparisons

Well, it is comparison time! It has been an interesting month of July where we live with a heat dome bringing in record heats at the beginning of the month, quickly followed by severely smokey skies that are making it possible to look directly at the red ball sun in the sky. The fact that…